
2007-04-02 10:31 pm
曾蔭權生平 (中英對照) About 60 words

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2007-04-02 10:36 pm
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曾蔭權爵士,大紫荊勳賢,KBE,JP(Sir Donald Tsang Yam-Kuen,1944年10月7日—),香港政治家,自2005年起出任香港特別行政區行政長官。



Sir Donald Tsang Yam Kuen,GBM, KBE, JP (Traditional Chinese: 曾蔭權; Simplified Chinese: 曾荫权; pinyin: Zēng Yīnquán, born October 7, 1944) has been the Chief Executive of Hong Kong since 2005.

A civil servant since 1967, Tsang had occupied various positions in finance and trade in the Hong Kong Civil Service, and was appointed Financial Secretary of Hong Kong in 1995, becoming the first ethnic Chinese to hold the position in the British colonial administration. He continued in the position after the handover of Hong Kong before being appointed Chief Secretary for Administration after the resignation of Anson Chan. Known for his flamboyant style, Tsang has won praise for his handling of the Hong Kong economy both as Chief Executive in the mid-2000s and as Financial Secretary in the late 1990s, but has been under pressure to push for democratic reforms.

On 25 March 2007, Tsang was re-elected as Chief Executive (in the first ever contested election for the post) for a second and final term, from 2007 to 2012.
2007-04-02 10:35 pm





〓 central people government that administration 〓 thinks of **
************Is appointed.
It is bright that 〓〓〓 showed following 〓 in 〓〓 garden through calling 〓〓〓 today (April 2), and past to 〓〓〓 Hong Kong of 〓 administration 〓 of 〓, especially appointment as the third charge of administration 〓 before:

〓 central people government that thinks ..me.. ..".. especially appoints 〓 administration 〓 to my 〓 Hong Kong very much so that the third may take charge of administration 〓. 〓 feeling 〓 central people government 〓 Watashi is supported the feeling of very 〓 as a lucky thing me. push 〓 〓 government and 〓〓〓〓〓, especially 〓 Hong Kong exhibitions

Duty..important..enough..know..surely..exhaust..place..energy.., especially..government..exert one's powers..Hong Kong..new..exhibition..stand..push..center..people..government..Hong Kong..citizens..place.

I wait for 〓 person's position 〓 with administration 〓, take Italian 〓 of 〓 committee (meeting) 〓 in 〓〓〓 degree where it goes to 〓〓〓 the moon, and it ties walking in 〓 multi 〓〓 and 〓 body is embarrassed with the citizens of 〓〓 on 〓 company 〓, and it is different, and because in 〓 life of him is understood, embarrasses it with the expectation of 〓 and 〓 government. 〓 is cut in men's minds 〓 of 〓〓 Italian 〓 of 〓〓 some that 〓 is unfaltering of me and cities and 〓 the administration and it is tried to return to 〓 ..doing...

Hope for hand of one 〓 of citizens 〓 Watashi of Hong Kong, and common 〓 effort of 〓 pawn 〓〓 in addition of me because of cannot establishment of new Hong Kong, and success of 〓〓 individual's power. 」

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