Siam @ Siam Hotel in Bangkok

2007-04-02 9:02 pm
Did anyone stay in the "Siam @ Siam Hotel" in Bangkok before? Please share your comment on this hotel in terms of location, service and hotel faciliities... etc, thanks!

回答 (1)

2007-04-02 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我自己冇住過, 不過我都好有興趣住, 所以收集左幾位香港網友的意見, 至今未見過任何網友話唔好, 摘錄如下:
1. room : you'd better request for upper floor and non-smoking. Last time, I stayed at a room on 16/F, 5 floors above swimming pool. I could see swimming pool down below and the opposite side was National Stadium. The view was good and open. You can consider that.

2. breakfast : variety-wise, it's good enough. From Chinese dim sum, fried noodles to sausages, baked beans , egg station and breads...Taste ok. Foods there was filling enough. Fruits was most impressive, fresh and juicy. Breakfast buffet included several kinds of drinks : soya bean, guava juice, etc. Tea and coffee were up to your choice and refilled by waiters/waitresses upon request. They all wore big smile.

岩岩完成三日兩夜番黎, 睇完網友既相覺得間酒店又新又正, 見好少何有新酒店住, 價錢又岩喎($680), 所以忍住唔揀位置比較好既 Aphrodite Inn, 點都要試試.. 我係對酒店裝修有點要求的..
房間覺得比相更靚..毛巾同水都有酒店logo, 感覺好新淨同貼身. 因為有"新"既感覺... 所以特別覺得舒服..早餐好多款式... 腸仔出奇地好食(其實係比平時食既香), 泳池都好靚, 同埋都唔少香港人住. 攞林真香送黎既貨都好順利, 我地第二日未出門口, 己經收到酒店既信話有parcel喇... 另外房入面仲有傘添!
我會比95分, 5分扣左響checkin既時候攪得太耐... 同埋位置上無咁方面.. 我地通常都會響siam站落車一路睇野一路行番去, 所以都幾遠... 講開又講, 樓下近mini-store有檔賣裸肉河的, 幾好食架, d河粉"煙煙un un"...

一個極詳盡的report, 有大量的相片

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