請問現在用港元 買入咩外幣最抵?

2007-04-02 8:41 pm
1)請問現在用港元 買入咩外幣最抵?


回答 (4)

2007-04-03 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Firstly you have to ask yourself, what kind of inestment tools you want to use. How much risk you can take? For a first timer, currency is not a bad choice. But you got to know how long you want to put into it. Personaly I will like Aus dollar, it may be a bit high now. But the interest rate is quite attractive, normal saving rate is around 4-5 % and fix deposit is around 6 %. Its not bad, the only risk is the exchange rate godown on HK$. Other currency may be lower but the risk is more, otherwise you may find Korean Won or even Japanese Yen. But those currency don't give you interest.

Of cause there is, but if you like China Fund, should get the one you can see and trade in the market, don't buy any private fund, too risky. If you want to invest on funds, you should through banks, insurance companies and fund houses. You should always get advise from those who have SFC Licence, they have the right to give you advise.

The fund charges always higher then stocks charges. Because there are fund managers to look after the fund and do the investment for the clients so they can make more bonus and they will work hard to do their job and do the best performance. And funds not only invest on 1 stock, they might invest on 50-100 different stocks, therefore the risk is lower and can diversifiy the risk. Although the return may slower, but it is more stable and save. But it is a mid to long term investment.

But stocks, you have to looke after the stocks yourself the stock broker only make money when you do the trade(they collect commission from each transaction). The risk is higher.

For 40k you can try currency(saver), or stocks(high risk). For fund investment(medium risk), you can choose monthly installment or one off payment.
If you have no time to look after the stock market, it will be better for you to invest on fund, let the professional to do the investment for you. May be the return is slower but it is more save. By the time you learn more about investment then you can go for stock market. Because for invest on stock you really have to study about that company and the future of the company, etc......don't just buy it when other people buy it.

Good luck on your investment. Hope it might help you.
2007-04-04 2:31 am
1) 澳元 or 紐元. 有升有息

2) 有, but why 用人民幣?? 可到中銀問問.

3) 月供基金收費比月供股票收費略高, 一筆過買基金 & 一筆過買股票 就差不多.

除4萬元, 有冇其他收入?
建議袋穩 o個4萬元, 用每月儲蓄做基金月供計劃 (銀行 or IFA 皆可).
2007-04-02 9:55 pm

2007-04-03 08:54:24 補充:
2007-04-02 8:57 pm

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