
2007-04-02 8:33 pm



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2007-04-02 9:08 pm
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[編輯] 名稱由來

在歐洲文化史中,「巴洛克」慣指的時間是17世紀以及18世紀上半葉(約1600年 -1750年,但年份並不是絕對的藝術風格,特別是建築與音樂。這一時期,上接文藝復興(1452年 -1600年),下接古典、浪漫時期。


[編輯] 油畫


Baroque art is the painting and sculpture associated with the Baroque cultural movement, a movement often identified[citation needed] with Absolutism and the Counter Reformation; the existence of important Baroque art and architecture in non-absolutist and Protestant states, however, undercuts this linking.[citation needed]

[edit] Painting
The Council of Trent (1545-63), in which the Roman Catholic Church answered many questions of internal reform raised by both Protestants and by those who had remained inside the Catholic Church, addressed the representational arts by demanding that paintings and sculptures in church contexts should speak to the illiterate rather than to the well-informed.

洛可可(Rococo)時期起源於18世紀的法國,一開始是為了反對宮廷的繁文縟節藝術而興起的。洛可可Rococo這個字是從法文rocaille 演變而來,原意是一種混合貝殼與小石子製成的室內裝飾物。

[編輯] 歷史發展
洛可可 最先出現於裝飾藝術和室內設計中。路易斯十五世的繼任 給宮廷藝術家和一般藝術時尚帶來了變化。在老國王在任的晚期,巴洛克設計給有著更多曲線和自然形象的較輕的元素讓位。這些元素在Niclas Pineau的建築設計上有明顯的表現。在攝政時期(1715-1723,路易斯十五世還是個孩子,政權由其叔攝政),宮廷生活從凡爾賽移走,這種藝術的轉變很好的建立了,最開始時在皇宮,然後是整個法國上層社會。纖細和輕快的洛可可風格設計常常被看作是路易斯十五世統治過渡的反作用。

17世紀30年代,洛可可在法國高度發展。這種風格從建築和傢具蔓延到油畫和雕塑,表現在Antoine Watteau 和Franciois Boucher的作品中。洛可可依然保留了複雜形象和內在模型的巴洛克味道。在這點上,它開始融合大量不同的特徵,包括東方風格和不對稱組合。

[編輯] 油畫

The Rococo style of art emerged in France in the early 18th century as a continuation of the Baroque style. In contrast to the heavier themes and darker colors of the Baroque, the Rococo style was characterized by an opulence, grace, playfulness, and lightness. Rococo motifs focused on the carefree aristocratic life and on lighthearted romance rather than heroic battles or religious figures; they also revolve heavily around nature and exterior settings. In the mid-late 18th century, Rococo was largely supplanted by the Neoclassic style.

The word Rococo is seen as a combination of the French rocaille, or shell, and the Italian barocco, or Baroque style. Due to Rococo love of shell-like curves and focus on decorative arts, some critics used the term to derogatively imply that the style was frivolous or merely fashion; interestingly, when the term was first used in English in about 1836, it was a colloquialism meaning "old-fashioned". However, since the mid 19th century, the term has been accepted by art historians. While there is still some debate about the historical significance of the style to art in general, Rococo is now widely recognized as a major period in the development of European art.
參考: wikipedia
2007-04-02 8:40 pm


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