快 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!點去 FROM QUARRY BAY TO HUNG HOM (駿昇中心)

2007-04-02 8:10 pm

回答 (5)

2007-04-02 8:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
由QUARRY BAY搭地鐵 到藍田(鯉魚門道, 近藍田地鐵站C出口)轉搭九巴 15 號

九巴 15 號
平田巴士總站 → 紅磡碼頭 $5.50/4.20
途經: 平田, 藍田, 油塘四山西, 麗港, 觀塘中心, 九龍灣, 啟業, 麗晶, 啟德, 馬頭圍, 馬坑涌, 馬頭角, 土瓜灣南, 鶴園海逸, 紅磡, 紅磡灣, 黃埔東
服務時間: 平日5:30 to 23:45 / 假日5:35 to 23:45
車程: 46分鐘, 每7至15分鐘一班車

係 22. 馬頭圍道, 門牌45號對出 落車 行入民裕街
( 你在此)
2007-04-02 9:34 pm
take 106
take MTR go M.K and change 6C or 6F or 212 or 30X
take MTR go 尖沙咀 and change 8 號小巴
take Ferry go to Hung Hom and change 3B or 15 or 297
2007-04-02 8:25 pm

要乘102在油麻地眾坊街轉8號車, 可以check 以下九巴條 link
2007-04-02 8:22 pm
The fastest way is to take a ferry from North Point ferry terminal. it is faster than taxi.

From ferry terminal, change to minibus or taxi.

I used to visit hong hum from quarry bay very often... that's the fastest way to go...
but of course, you must make you u know the ferry time table well enough...

Ferry Schedule
2007-04-02 8:16 pm
Bus 106
but the bus is really slow..

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