新加坡Ritz Carlton Hotel附近的酒店?

2007-04-02 7:21 pm
有朋友住Ritz Carlton, 但由於價錢比較貴, 我想知道附近有沒有其他酒店選擇?

回答 (3)

2007-04-03 5:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
佢隔離係Oriental Mandarin
後面係Pan Panific
再過d 有 Conrad 同 Marina Mandarin

Marina 區算係灣仔咁...多數係5-stars business hotel..

2007-04-03 09:37:14 補充:
參考: 夫家在星洲
2007-04-02 8:29 pm
Since the Marina area is like TST in HK, they tend to have more expensive hotels. But they are all very nice.

Close by Ritz you can try Oriental and Mandarin Marina, both are connected to Marina Mall and very close by Ritz, Pan Pacific is also in the compound, but you need to check if they have value room.
2007-04-02 7:33 pm

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