Chem 二問

2007-04-02 6:48 pm
Can Argon and Hydrogen obtain from fractional distillation?

excess drinking of alcohol will lead to obesity??

回答 (2)

2007-04-03 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There is no need to dissolve the sample in water first before fractional distillation.

We can obtain Argon from fractional distillation.

First, Compressed and liquified the air.

then raising the temp in the fractionating column.

We can get argon between Nitrogen and Oxygen.

About Hydrogen, You better check up its b.p.

Since fractional distillation is base on the principle of different boiling point.

relationship between alcohol and obesity:

You may refer to
參考: myself
2007-04-02 8:57 pm
I think Argon can't be obtained from distillation because it is the inert gas , it is insoluted in water and can't be distilled.In the case of Hydrogen, I think that it also can't be obtained from distillation, even you distill the mixture of water and alcohol , you just get water and not Hydrogen.

excess drinking will not cause people fat directly,but it would hurt the liver or brain cells and the digestive system.

hope I can help u.
參考: my poor chemical knowledge

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