
2007-04-02 4:21 pm

回答 (5)

2007-04-02 4:25 pm
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ji si
ㄐㄧˋ ㄙˋ

1.to offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors


2007-04-02 08:26:55 補充:
ji si = 祭祀(在雅虎字典中鍵入“祭”,倉頡碼=月人一一火)找到後,在右方提示欄中還有幾個選擇!check it out!肅然起敬

2007-04-02 08:28:18 補充:
worship就一般係指對神明的獻禮,崇拜。n.[U]1. 崇拜;敬仰;敬神She became an object of worship.她成了一個被崇拜的對象。2. 禮拜,禮拜儀式We attended worship this morning.今晨我們去做禮拜了。3. 【英】(用作尊稱)閣下"Yes, your worship," he said to the judge."是,閣下,"他對法官說。
2007-04-03 12:47 am
Does obeisance offers a sacrifice to
2007-04-02 8:17 pm

to pay homage to ancestors
2007-04-02 6:58 pm

Worship one's ancester ( 拜祭祖先 )
Sweep one's grave ( 掃墓 )

For example,

My father and I went to worship our ancesters today.
When we arrived, we swept my grandfather's and grandma's graves/
Though today was a little hot, a lot of relatives came too.

參考: Longman English textbook 2006ed.
2007-04-02 4:27 pm

2007-04-02 08:29:45 補充:
祭:1.to offer sacrifice to2.to hold a memorial ceremony for拜:1.to do obeisance to; to worship2.to make a courtesy call3.to prostrate oneself祭禮 祭獻 祭文 祭祀 祭品 祭神 Yahoo

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