急問各位physics高手!!!!! question about mechanics~

2007-04-02 11:15 am
請問如果一件object move along a smooth inclined plane with a initial velocity 5ms-1 , 咁佢ge acceleration係咪constant? thx a lot!!!!!!!!

咁如果inclined plane 有friction, acceleration仲係咪constant? thx!!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-04-02 11:44 am
✔ 最佳答案

F = ma
constant force, constant mass => constant acceleration

if that object is placed in earth, it is subjected to a downward force
even it is placed on an inclined plane, we can resolve this downward force into two component, one along the plane and one perpendicular to the plane

since the angle of inclination is also constant, the magnitude of this resolved component is also constant, i.e. constant force and hence constant acceleration

2007-04-03 14:47:47 補充:
yupof coz assuming constant friction force, i.e. the frictional force along the plane remains equal throughout the whole plane

2007-04-08 16:28:30 補充:
2007-04-02 7:48 pm
物體在斜面上,不管向上或向下運動還是靜止都有一個下滑分力F= mgsinA,其中A為斜面與地平面之夾角.又F=ma,故有一不變的沿斜面向下的加速度 a=gsinA

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