點 把我個論壇 加入yahoo申請?

2007-04-02 5:02 am

但系係yahoo找尋唔到 ,

我明明系係[加入網頁搜尋]裡加入左 ,

但係過左幾個星期都搜尋不到 ,

究竟點解 , 有無人可以解答我???

回答 (2)

2007-04-02 8:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Cannot be searched?
I have this problem too, a few months before I added my website [http://hk.geocities.com/mickeyfung_14/] into searching data files, but I waited many weeks, I still cannot search my website. Now, I still cannot search it.
Because of the information of the pages, as you added your website in to Yahoo searching data files, Yahoo will check your website and all its links, if your website has something which is not good, Yahoo will not post it.
If your website has some dirty words, bad images...Yahoo will not post your website's URL.
If you want to post it successfully, you ought to delete all the "dirty" words and "dirty" images.

2007-04-02 21:59:56 補充:
2007-04-04 9:29 pm

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