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The aging of the population means from middle age to the period of the old age, {The aging of the population means from middle age to old-age of period,}
At present Hong Kong has an aging of the population gradually, condition also rather seriously, the government should value this problem! {At present Hong Kong has an aging of the population gradually, condition also rather serious, the government should value this problem!} The data of Hong Kong indicate that at 2001, it of the level of the fertility rate is very low!The numeral of the population is higher and higher, the phenomenon of the natural aging of the population more and more obvious, the population of Hong Kong are contiguously aging, this problem existed more, according to anticipate 2031, quarter of the populations are all full 65 years old or above, the labor force also has certain relation to the aging of the population~ have the data manifestation more, the old people's quantity is astonishing, also is for one of the problem of a severity in Hong Kong, influence economy development, exceed 600000 of the 60-year-old old people all have application and synthesize society guarantee help and the advanced age subsidy plan wait for and help, serving with medical treatment to also all need directly~ the government should carry on the plan of the implement, preventing an aging of the population from taking place contiguously. {The numeral of the population is higher and higher, the phenomenon of the natural aging of the population more and more obvious, the population of Hong Kong are contiguously aging, this problem existed more, according to anticipate 2031, quarter of the populations are all full 65 years old or above, the labor force also has certain relation to the aging of the population~ have the data manifestation more, the old people's quantity is astonishing, also is for one of the problem of a severity in Hong Kong, influence economy development, exceed 600000 of the 60-year-old old people all have already applied for comprehensive society guarantee help and the advanced age subsidy plan wait for and help, serving with medical treatment to also all need directly~ the government should carry on the plan of the implement, preventing an aging of the population from taking place contiguously.} Even there is the evidence manifestation, the government used many resources to look after elder to make by going to Hong Kong cause a tremendous problem! {Even there is the evidence manifestation, the government used many resources to look after elder and make by going to Hong Kong cause a tremendous problem!} More the problem of this aging of the population makes into much inconvenience to the society, so Hong Kongs all will build up many organization concerning aging of the populations, as:the social welfare office, the elder looks after center healthily, social welfare in Hong Kong service and other wait for of comprehensive service etc.. {More the problem of this aging of the population makes into much inconvenience to the society, so Hong Kongs all can build up many organization concerning aging of the populations, as:the social welfare office, the elder looks after center healthily, social welfare in Hong Kong service and other wait for of comprehensive service etc..} Namely is the words and house the social d elder's house was more and more the young person is over the d. {Then is the words and house the social d elder's house was more and more the young person is over the d.}