EOS Canon400D

2007-04-02 3:22 am


EOS Canon400D新機同埋二手分別大概幾錢?


回答 (2)

2007-04-02 5:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
if you want to learn SLR style Real Photography skill, EOS Canon400D is a user level DSLR that is good for both 初學者 and others.
EOS Canon400D新機同埋二手分別大概幾錢? Always get new DSLR, since DSLR can change lens, meaning more chance for human error and more mechanical failure, so ALWAYS GET A NEW FRESH DSLR !!! The price difference cannot justify the RISK :) New is around : 5800 HKD with kit lens 18-55 makr II
新機買連唔連鏡頭? as a 初學者 , just pick the kit lens to save some cash ...
18-55 mark II is good enough quality.
如果唔連的話加埋另外買鏡頭要幾錢? I won't suggest you to get a new lens now.
But if you want one, I recommend 50mm f/1.8 II, it will cost you another 600 HKD
400D photo examples :
2007-04-02 11:51 pm
剛剛係 07 年 4 月 1 日, Canon 宣佈了 EOS 400D 減價優惠
現在市場上 EOS 400D 淨機身售價普遍為 $48xx
二手唔建議喇, 因為新機都好平

假如你唔熟, 可以用 EOS 400D kit set, kit set 包埋一支 EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 II 基本鏡頭, 全套價錢應該都唔超過 $5500, 算係相當便宜.

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