✔ 最佳答案
Based on your symptom
1.尿有很多泡 - can signify presence of protein in urine (but sometime it can be normal). The urine test paper will tell the truth whether you have any protein in urine
2.尿的顏色是深普洱茶色or深啡色 - can be macroscopic haematuria (ie blood in urine which you can see) but this can also occur in those with liver disease (usually due to obstruction of the biliary system)
3.去看醫生,,試紙上驗到有血,,,但平時眼睛看不到 - This indicate microscopic haematuria (ie blood in urine that you cannot see). Usually indicate kidney disease
If all the symptom happen together, then the likely diagnosis is glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney which is related to immune problem)
Check with your Dr and see for the blood result/ urine result
pay particular attention on the presence of any derangement of renal function test (RFT), any presence of protein in urine, urine microscopy result (if any cast presence)
You may need to check 24 hr urine for protein as well if your urine confirmed to have protein.