
2007-04-02 3:11 am
You've just been given a FREE trial of Xanga Premium .

There are 17 days left in your FREE trial. Don't worry - you won't be charged anything to use it, and at the end of the free trial your xanga site will *automatically* revert back to the free xanga classic settings. But if you like premium and decide you want to keep it, just click here anytime to upgrade!

回答 (1)

2007-04-02 3:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
冇野既 ..
因為你而家係有 xg 收費版既試用期 ..
個試用期過左之後你個 xg 會變番 classic 既版本 ..
你個 xg 會仍然係度 .. 日記都唔會唔見 ..

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