SWOT of ParkNshop (no point notes pls)

2007-04-02 2:53 am
Please kindly provide a detail answer for marking planing
(no point notes pls)

回答 (2)

2007-04-12 1:35 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. excellent brand name with confidence by customers.
2. much experience in running supermarket
3. large economies of scales based on its size
4. sufficient supporting
5. large market size
6. can get competitive rental and good location from Group

1. large number of employee resulting in difficulty in management

1. more choice for customers
2. self-brand products to sell
3. more convenient service to customer, such as delivery
4. internet sale
5. large cost of entrance from others to establish chained-supermarket

1. great competition from Wellcome and other supermarkets on price
2. not convenient enough when compared with 24-hours supermarket
2007-04-12 1:42 am
ParkNshop is large company, and they can get many opportunities as they as one of the market leaders.

The major threat is from Wellcome.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 21:42:08
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