
2007-04-02 2:49 am

回答 (3)

2007-04-02 2:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
★乘公共汽車是你的鄰居的座位? A : 「到了的話,去那兒 - 」從早上開始聽井野原快彥的彈丸談話的B︰ 「好像這兒的店有受歡迎? #12301; 問長野博的推薦的店的C︰ 「太睡覺了 zZ zZ '從早上開始瞻仰森田剛的睡臉 ★到達﹗ ! 如果一起生活等的時間的話? A : 「飛機不非常? ! 俺初次看了﹗ ! 」做興奮的三宅健被吸引的飛機參觀B︰「?#12301; 光側臉看就福祉? ! 岡田準一是讀書在照的鄰居裡坐的C︰ 「你也喝? 」要發生 本昌行是飲料的果汁 ★這樣那樣,到達沖繩﹗ 如果一起去大海的話? ? A : 「和看法和毛呀﹗ 」在湖邊看三宅健做滑水運動照的B︰ 「啊哈哈﹗ 俺砂子滿是那么﹗ 」井野原快彥和玩沙子C︰「飲料? #12371; 出門好? 」在海濱一邊害羞一邊和岡田準一笨拙的談話 ★好好地玩到達旅館。 遇到朝著澡盆的途中帶有時候味道呢? A : 「你或者呀﹗ 吃驚左遷呀 - 」頭髮半干風流充分 本昌行一點兒﹗ 和拐角黃油狀的見面的B︰ 「那個? 從現下開始洗澡間? 一起容納? 」在哧笑笑的黃色的滿分森田剛和溫泉前黃油狀的見面的C︰「是好開水 - 」浴衣張開的稍微鼻血東西O 長野博和樓梯黃油狀的見面 ★晚上,試試膽量的事? #12506; 如果成為的話? A : 「可怕 是 - ! 」害怕的樣子可愛的 本昌行和偶B︰ 「震動什麼? ? 12435;' 戲弄雖然卻是手有 的在日暮的森田剛和偶上C︰ 「不要緊,有俺。 」讓我安心的岡田準一和偶 ★去沒能入睡的花壇的話,先來的客人? #12381; 在戶木板的? A : 「啊﹗ 一起看星星? 」一邊觀賞三宅健和星星一邊的聊天B︰成為' 俺、枕頭變化是能入睡的沒-笑'井野原快彥和非常字高興地聊天C︰ 「因為身體發冷所以? #12495; ☆」和借我外衣的長野博普遍地好聊天 ★即使鑄器也獲得的出發的早上。 如果一起照相照片的話? A : 「照片? #12301; 照出照片壞的 本昌行和B︰ '照片聲音'眼睛下隱蔽處會的長野博和C︰ 「? #12435; ? #12301; 因為困倦眼睛是沒有召開的井野原快彥和D︰ 「聲音味 ? #12301; 摩洛語起居臉的森田剛和E︰「不和 - 」打呵欠照的三宅健和F︰ 「?#12301; 睡覺時的毛病了不起的岡田準一和
2007-04-08 9:01 am
2007-04-02 3:14 am
★ By bus your neighboring seat? A: B which I "go there if I arrive, and hear bullet talking of Yoshihiko Inohara from ..." morning: C which "a shop of here seems to have popularity", and hear a recommended shop of Nagano Expo: "Sleep; ★ arrival to worship a sleeping face of Morita Go from るわ ?zzZ?zzZ" morning! ! If I spend waiting time together? A: "Is not an airplane terrible?" ! I watch me for the first time, and it is たー! ! I am tempted by "excited Miyake Ken, and it is visit to airplane B: I "watch a "profile, and is it happiness?" ! C which sits down on the neighbor where Junnichi Okada reads: Do you "overwhelm you"? ★ which gets the juice which "Masayuki Sakamoto drinks such; do not come; pat it, and is arrival in Okinawa! If I go to the sea together? ? A: I "look properly, and become loose"! B which "Miyake Ken sees surfing on the beach: "あはは!" I sand だらけじゃん! "Yoshihiko Inohara and play with sand C: "Was drink good in this?" I play well, and ★ which does awkward talking with Junnichi Okada while being embarrassed in "Beach arrives at a hotel. A meeting getting more like a Japanese crested ibis for the middle toward a bath? A: "You かよ!" By astonishment させんなよ ... hair student dehydration a lot of sex appeal Masayuki Sakamoto a little! It is grasshopper re-encountering B at a と corner: "Is it that?" Is it a bath now? Do you enter together? It is grasshopper re-encountering C in front of "smirking eroticism さ 満点森田剛 and hot spring: If hold "a good hot water だったよ ..." yukata and is to do a test of a courage in オイッ Nagano Expo of a nosebleed of a tendency and stairs at the grasshopper re-★ night to meet? A: "怖 ぇえ ...!" The "figure which I am afraid of is B to dear Masayuki Sakamoto and pair: "Is it 何震 えてんの?" It is C to Morita Go and the pair which tie a hand while making fun of ん: Because it "is all right, and there is me." 」私を安心させてくれる岡田准一とペアに★眠れなくてテラスに行ったら先客が?そこにいたのは? A: "あ!" Does a star look together? It is talkative B while admiring "Miyake Ken and a star: When "I, a pillow change, I become 眠 れなくてさー 笑" Yoshihiko Inohara and lying with a customer without being sexually excited, and it is talkative C happily: It "is already morning of departure in a thing of a chattering ★ potato with body Nagano Expo where it lends a high ☆" jacket to because it gets cold commonly". If I take a photograph together? A: "Photograph" Masayuki Sakamoto and B which photograph badly: Nagano Expo and C that "a photograph lies down", and there is a bear with judgment: "ん is sleepy, and eyes are Yoshihiko Inohara and D which do not open う": Morita Go and E of "ねみぃ" Moro lying down and getting up face: "ふわぁ ..." Miyake Ken and F which yawn: With "Junnichi Okada who is terrible "vicious hair formed while sleeping"

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