
2007-04-02 1:34 am

回答 (4)

2007-04-02 1:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Should apply for allowances,(and the colleague Amy is taken the taxi Tsim Sha Tsui by the company,take part in the company of art exhibit for the English conyent that wants Fare $150)
參考: ME
2007-04-04 2:28 am
English content wanted to apply for subsidy(together colleague Amy the private ridden by company go to sharp sand Ju, attending the lunch Xu meeting of the beautiful exhibition company.Carfare$150)
2007-04-02 4:57 am
Sorry, 我不肯定你要求怎樣,如果你要向公司申請,可以像以下:

(負責發放津貼的人或部門,例: The In-charge,
Finance section/ accounting department)


Dear Sir /Madam,

Re: Application for traffic allowance

Please be informed that I had went with my colleague, Amy for the following working occasion----
Date: XX-XX-2007
Occasion: Lunch gathering in Mei Chin Co. Ltd.
Route: From office to Tsim Sha Tsui
Traffic type: By taxi
Fare: $ 150

I wish to apply for traffic allowance, and would be much grateful if you could kindly arrange for that, Thank you for your attention!

Yours sincerely,

(Your name)

2007-04-01 22:19:15 補充:
Sorry, 我寫錯了had went, 應是have gone
2007-04-02 1:51 am
(With works together Amy the gentleman which rides by the company toarrive Jianshazui, participates in the art exhibition company thelunch chat meeting Fare $,150)

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