
2007-04-01 8:51 pm

回答 (5)

2007-04-01 10:20 pm
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東京鐵塔英文係 Tokyo Tower

請注意:人名, 地名, 建築物名稱必須是大草開始, 不可以用細草.

2007-04-03 8:05 am
Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower (東京タワー, Tōkyō tawā) is a tower in Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan (35°39′31″ N 139°44′44″ E). It is 332.6 m (1091 ft) tall, making it one of the world's highest self-supporting steel towers and the tallest man-made structure in Japan.

The design of the tower is based on the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. Despite being 8.6 meters taller than the Eiffel Tower (32.6 if the latter's TV antenna is not included), Tokyo Tower only weighs about 4000 tons, whereas the Eiffel Tower weighs about 7300 tons.

It is painted in white and international orange according to air safety regulations. From dusk to midnight, the tower is brilliantly illuminated in orange. The lighting is occasionally changed for special events; for the Japan premiere of the movie The Matrix, for instance, the Tower was lit in neon green.

As it is mainly surrounded by low-rise buildings, Tokyo Tower can be seen from many points in the central wards of Tokyo, such as Roppongi Hills, Tokyo Bay, the east gardens of the Imperial Palace, and the southern promenade of Shinjuku Station.

Tokyo Tower is a member of the World Federation of Great Towers.
東京鐵塔=Tokyo Tower

^^^hope I can help you
參考: mymymyselfself
2007-04-01 8:55 pm
tokyo tower東京鐵塔
2007-04-01 8:55 pm
Tokyo iron tower

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