anyone know why the hk exchange rate (to usd) is 7.8129 now?

2007-04-01 7:45 pm
anyone know why the hk exchange rate (to usd) is 7.8129 now???

don't we have a guarantee exchnage rate at max. 7.80000???
it was kept at max 7.8000 for the last few year ga wor..., and choose usd/hkd in the Instrument

回答 (3)

2007-04-01 8:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Linked Exchange Rate System was established in 1983. It is in essence a Currency Board system, which requires both the stock and the flow of the Monetary Base to be fully backed by foreign reserves. Any change in the size of the Monetary Base has to be fully matched by a corresponding change in the foreign reserves. In Hong Kong, the Monetary Base comprises the following components:

Certificates of Indebtedness (as backing for banknotes) and government-issued notes and coins;

the sum of balances of banks' clearing accounts (Aggregate Balance) maintained with the HKMA for the purpose of clearing and settling transactions between the banks themselves, and also between the banks and the HKMA; and

the outstanding amount of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes.

i) Certificate of Indebtedness and coins issued

Banknotes in Hong Kong are issued by the three note-issuing banks (NIBs). When the three NIBs issue banknotes, they are required to submit US dollars (at HK$7.80=US$1) to the HKMA for the account of the Exchange Fund in return for Certificates of Indebtedness (which are required by law as backing for the banknotes issued). The Hong Kong dollar banknotes are therefore fully backed by US dollars held by the Exchange Fund. In the case of government-issued notes and coins, which are issued by the Government through the HKMA, transactions between the HKMA and the agent bank responsible for storing and distributing the coins to the public are settled against US dollars at the rate of HK$7.80 to one US dollar.

ii) The Aggregate Balance

Operating under the rule-based Currency Board system, the Aggregate Balance will vary in accordance with the flow of fund into and out of the Hong Kong dollar. The HKMA operates Convertibility Undertakings on both the strong side and the weak side of the Linked Rate of 7.80. Under the strong-side Convertibility Undertaking, the HKMA undertakes to buy US dollars from licensed banks at 7.75. Under the weak-side Convertibility Undertaking, the HKMA undertakes to sell US dollars at 7.85. Within the Convertibility Zone between 7.75 and 7.85, the HKMA may choose to conduct market operations consistent with Currency Board principles with the aim of promoting the smooth functioning of the money and foreign exchange markets.

iii) Outstanding Exchange Fund Bills and Notes

The proceeds from the issue of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes have over time been switched into US dollar assets. The HKMA has also undertaken that additional Exchange Fund paper will only be issued when there is an inflow of capital. This ensures that all new Exchange Fund paper will be fully backed by foreign currency reserves. Starting from 1 April 1999, interest payments on Exchange Fund paper are allowed to expand the Monetary Base. Additional Exchange Fund paper is issued to absorb such interest payments. This procedure is consistent with the Currency Board discipline, since interest payments on Exchange Fund paper are backed by interest income on the US dollar assets backing the Monetary Base. It also allows the Exchange Fund Bills and Notes programme to grow in a non-discretionary manner.

Click HERE to see chart on resilience of the Hong Kong dollar against external shocks.

For a general discussion on the linked exchange rate system, please see also Background Brief No. 1: Hong Kong's Linked Exchange Rate System.
2007-04-05 9:23 pm
香港金融管理局在2005 年5月18日宣布三項優化聯繫匯率制度運作的措施。這些措施是財政司司長經諮詢外匯基金諮詢委員會後同意的,目的是要消除在聯繫匯率制度下港元匯率可轉強程度的不明朗情況,以及理順貨幣和外匯市場在貨幣發行局安排下的互動關係。







在優化聯繫匯率制度運作的措施生效後,港元對美元的兌換價已由7.8 轉為7.75 - 7.85的保證水平內。實際匯率的水平會視乎港元的需求,利率水平等。有一段時間港元依然強勢,原因是炒作人民幣升值,但自人民幣改革匯率機制生效後穩步上揚。人民幣自升破港元一算後,港元一直處於弱勢,之前強勢是因為港元是炒作人民幣升值的替代品,現在已沒有這個價值。同時銀行體系資金氾濫又造成同業利率偏低,在市場供求情況下港元自然處於弱勢了。
2007-04-02 2:04 am
HKMA has changed the peg range from 7.75 to 7.85 two years ago.
參考: me

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