Pokemon name in English and Chinese

2007-04-01 1:51 pm
Can anyone tell me Pokemon's name in English and Chinese.
I think there are 386 of them.
Thx for helping!

回答 (3)

2007-04-03 2:47 am
✔ 最佳答案

I think here are the name of Pokemon's , i.e. English & Chinese:

Here is the link of English:http://www.pokemon.com/Pokedex/flash.asp (with pictures)

Here is the link of Chinese:http://students.washington.edu/louiswei/t/pokedex_kt.htm (with pictures)

I hope it helps you~!!! =]
參考: In my memory
2007-04-07 5:07 am
Names in English...go to http://www.pokemon.com/ and clicked into pokedex.

Names in chinese... go to http://www.geocities.com/annielhy/Pokedata.htm
2007-04-02 10:50 am
Names in English...go to http://www.pokemon.com/ and clicked into pokedex.

Names in chinese... go to http://www.geocities.com/annielhy/Pokedata.htm

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