
2007-04-01 10:15 am
小弟在香港讀完science degree,成績一般,只有不足一年工作經驗


Thz letterman 小弟過找polyu,poly speed,city等 但他們都要求有足夠工作經驗 有沒有其他可考慮呢? chineseman,感謝你的意見 我認為不錯,是之前未想過的 個人希望學習管理公司等實用知識 可否像你說找ref bk 自修呢?應從那裡開始? thanks

回答 (2)

2007-04-01 4:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
樓主, 本來我建議你揀城大或理大的MBA, 可是兩間都昨天(3月31日)截止左今年9月開課的學期的報名, 但你可以明天致電問一問, 可能有得通融既.
1) MBA 有不同範疇 : General Management, Financial Services, Information Technology, Innovation & Design Management, Global Business Management, etc.
2) 你要決定讀邊類型 的MBA.
3) 最好有相關工作經驗後才讀, 3-5年, 因為須連同僱主推薦信兩封, 證明你有需要. 僱主推薦信二封, 最好由公司最勁個兩位寫, 例如你在和黃工作, 有李嘉誠先生及霍建寧先生的推薦信就最好, 然而Fresh 學士也可申請, 但視乎校方考慮. 本校學士畢業生會稍有優先取錄(非明文規定, 你明白啦......)
4) 本地大學大都要申請人考 GMAT, 800分滿分, 最好得600分以上, 考試費US$250. 自行報名, 逢星期一至星期五開考, 試場在中環, 可擇上午或下午, 考4個幾鐘, 記住帶護照, 否則無得入試場就玩完, 其他事項自己睇網頁啦~~! 我在4 月尾考, 好驚呀~~!
http://www.mba.com/m ba/TaketheGMAT
5) 本地大學MBA排行榜, 依次..科大, 中大, 接著差不多....城大理大浸大等(排名不分先後)! 本地大學頒發的MBA其實分別都唔大.
6) 入學資格起碼要二級榮譽學士畢業或以上, 沒有這個可以係咁先啦. 學費以城大或理大為例, 一年全日制或二年兼讀制, 全期學費港幣十二萬幾.
7) 如果你揀海外大學遙距MBA, 會平啲, 同埋有的可以一年半就畢業, 範疇亦有其他選擇, 視乎個別大學, 可謂五花八門, 任君選擇, 只要有錢, 有些全期學費港幣10萬以下有交易. 就我建議樓主考慮英國或澳洲大學.
所以, 樓主可視乎自己需要, 自由選擇!
我自己2006年尾城大BBABM畢業, 已報左母校本年的 MBA, 推薦信等文件已交, 只欠GMAT成績~~!

2007-04-01 08:44:37 補充:
A graduate of CityU BBABM and a HR executive.
2007-04-03 4:19 am
No MBA is good except Harvard, Standford or Wharton School of U of Chicago. B'cos these universities use case study method to teach and courses are taught in small class. But in HK, all local universities simply run some lectures (big class of sometimes more than 100 students) and examinations. So u can't learn better than self study.
Also Marketing, Management or Information Systems are useless.
If u wanna to change to Accountancy or company secretaryship field, you can consider to study a MSc in Professional Accountancy or Corporate Governance at CityU, PolyU or OpenU. People need to join this kind of program b'cos this is the HKICPA requirement that one must have a degree in accountancy before he can take the qualified examination.
If u do not want to change to accountancy field, you can simple take the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretary examinations, Chartered Financial Analysts exam, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport exam ......... If u are interested in marketing or management, u can simply buy some books from bookshop or Amazon to study and take the Chartered Institute of Marketing exam. It can't help you to find good jobs as all people can easy acquire the knowledge by reading some good books at home.
I think study a LLM in Corporate and Financial Law, Intellectual Property Law/Intellectual Assets Management, or International Economic Law or a MSc in Management of Technology or MA in English Language Studies is more useful.

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