
2007-04-01 7:06 am
點知邊d鹽可溶於水,邊d吳溶? 如果可以的話可否列個table...........thank you!

回答 (4)

2007-04-01 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
all are soluble

Halide(chloride, bromide and iodide) :
all are soluble except
- silver halides
- lead(II) halides

all are soluble except
- calcium sulphate
- lead(II) sulphate
- barium sulphate

all are soluble

all are insoluble except
- lithium carbonate
- sodium carbonate
- potassium carbonate
- ammonium carbonate

all are insoluble except
- calcium oxide
- sodium oxide
- potassium oxide

all are insoluble except
- calcium hydroxide (slightly)
- sodium hydroxide
- potassium hydroxide
參考: me*
2007-04-01 9:25 am
well.......if Sodium, Potassium and ammonium ion,and metal nitrate , all are soluble
if cholride.....all are soluble, except silver and lead chloride
if sulphate......all are soluble, except calcium, lead and barium sulphate
if carbonate and sulphite..all are insoluble, except Sodium, Potassium and ammonium ion
if hydroxide, all are insoluble, except Sodium, Potassium (there is no Ammonium hydroxide)
2007-04-01 7:38 am
soluble: all nitrate, hydrogencarbonate, sodium, potassium, ammonium salts
all silver(I), and lead(II) halide(F, Cl, Br, I) is insoluble but redissolves in conc. hydrogen halide
all sulphate except those of Ba2+ and Pb2+
insoluble: all sulphide of non-group I metal ion
carbonate of Li+ and other non-group I metal ion
參考: myself
2007-04-01 7:13 am
Very easy, all metal nitrates and chloride are soluble in water :)
參考: own knowledge

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