My Parent problem

2007-04-01 4:33 am
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my dad, he is 55 all the sudden he felt old and doesnt want to talk to most of the ppl? Is that what happen when ppl they get up to 55 , i dun what should i do.

回答 (2)

2007-04-01 4:39 am
✔ 最佳答案


尼個age 都要面對好多難題, eg 可能要面對退休, 仔女長大, 親友老死, 都大壓力

你可以做的就是問候,如他想講就聽, 吾想就等, 只要比他知道作為仔女你都好care 佢,

咁佢既問題, 都要要佢自已面對啦,
2007-04-05 10:09 pm
There are a lot of factors.Maybe he is experiencing pressure from working environment,friendship or whatever.
If you find the problem becomes serious,you should refer to social workers or professionals and seek for advice.

You should also care about him and try to talk to him even if he doesn't want to talk.

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