
2007-04-01 2:40 am

回答 (3)

2007-04-02 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let F = Net force act on the balloon after the string broken
F = ma,
= (50÷1000)(2)
= 0.1N

The ball is at rest before the string is broken.
i.e. The upward force – the downward force = 0
F – T = 0
F = T
T = 0.1N

∴The answer is B. 0.1N.

2007-04-02 18:47:08 補充:
2007-04-01 3:03 am
before break: T+mg=F (F bouyant force)
after: F-mg=ma=0.05x2=0.1
so T=0.1N
2007-04-01 2:51 am
因為佢向上飛,acceleration係2ms^(-2),但係個gravitaional acceleration向下係10ms^(-2),咁即係o個舊野ge total acceleration係12ms^(-2),所以個波ge total force係0.6ms^(-2)(f=ma)
因為newton's third law,action=reaction,所以個tension係0.6..對嗎?

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