會考 maths 同 a maths

2007-03-31 11:54 pm
我想問會考個陣 佢會唔會要你畫d好煩既graph


如果要畫 咁要點畫
係咪要畫個表出黎 逐點plot

另外我想問 會考會要你畫d咩類型既graph 通常最盡都係去到quadratic?

回答 (3)

2007-04-01 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Maths 不會出, 因為在 Syllabus 範圍之外.
A. Maths 有99%唔會出, 出的話, 就要考考一些想攞 A 的人.
點畫, 首先就要 D 一 D 佢, 找到兩個 local maximum 同 minimum, 分別係 x = -1 or 1. 畫上呢兩點 (緊係要搵埋 y啦), 然後, x 同 y-intersects, 就夠點了, 聯起佢就完成.
2007-04-01 5:00 am
In CE Math, you are only required to regonise the following graphs
(i) linear and quadratic graphs
(ii) trigonometric graphs (sin, cos, tan)
(iii) exponential and logarithemic graphs
(iv) circles

other types of graph will be provided if necessary.

In recent years, Additional mathematics seems not going to test your ability of sketching graphs with given equations.
Instead, they will only provide the signs of dy/dx, (or d2y/dx2, second derivatives)
in different intervals, you need to use derivative tests to determine extreme points and hence sketch the graph.
[You may refer to some past paper questions such as 04 Q17, 06 Q13 and Q16]
2007-04-01 12:30 am
例如,y = x^2 - x
y = a^x
y = log[a] x
y = ax + b
(x - h)^2 + (y - K)^2 = r^2
參考: eason mensa

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