5分 The meaing of "oh i see"

2007-03-31 10:43 pm
1. the use of "oh i see ", some example and is it common uses in USA or british?

2. wanna = want (exactly)?
3.please tell me wether my gramme is right or not
同埋我想問我以上果d sentences 會唔會好怪 即係港式英語

回答 (2)

2007-04-01 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Oh I see: means I understand, or I get it.
Mr. A: are you a student?
Miss B: No, I'm a teacher. I'm not a student.
Mr. A: Oh I see.

2. Wanna = want to
it's not a proper english, it's just a comversational english, which means only when people are talking. If you write wanna instead of want to in your english paper or essay then you are wrong.
就像廣東話一樣,我們有書面語和日用語,好像我們話:屋企 書面語就是家
I wanna (want to) study.
I wanna (want to) go shopping.

3. first, gramme is WRONG SPELLING!! correct=grammar
"is it used commonly in the USA AND Britain."
"is it common in the USA and Britain."

it's ALWAYS "THE USA" not "USA"
British= 英國人 Britain=英國
參考: English is my first language
2007-03-31 11:01 pm
oh i see = I understand / I get what you mean / I know it

wanna = want to. e.g. Do you wanna play football? ( Do you want to play football?)

The above expressions are NOT chinglish. It's very common in day-to-day English conversation.

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