
2007-03-31 9:43 pm

回答 (2)

2007-03-31 10:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm not statistics major, but i know statistics is very useful in every aspect of our society.
Let's look at a typical example:

let's say you are the teacher of a class! there are total of 30 students in your class. And each of them take a test and receive a score.
As teacher, u write down all 30 scores....that's the DATA.

Now you use statistical equations, u can find out the average score, the median score, the percentile of each score.......that's ANALYSIS of data.

Now you see most of your students get 60/100. Only 1 student get 100/100. So you know u are not an effective teacher.......that's INTERPRETATION of data.

Then you said, it's because the students are lazy or whatever to give EXPLANATION of the data.

So you see, statistic is a mathematical tool to collect, analyze, interpret , explain, and present huge amount of data.

Scientific law must be verifiable by any scientists anytime. To verify the law, scientists collect data from experiments that are carefully design. The accuracy and precision of the data are analyze by statistical law, specially standard deviation.

Recently, statistical prinicipal combined with computer programming has been used as a tool to efficiently analyze DNA sequence. This discipline is called bioinformatics. There is a full tenure professor in Harvard who does research in this area, and he immigrated from china.

So no matter what u want to study in college in the future, u will encounter statistics one way or the other.
2007-03-31 9:52 pm
參考: 自己

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