
2007-03-31 9:40 pm


回答 (3)

2007-03-31 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
b:Yes?What do you mean?
a:Oh!Sorry, I'm just practicing the dramma which we need to perform on this Sunday
b:Is it?How many sentences you need to perform that day?
a:Hm.....just this one sentence
b:What?Just one sentence!What dramma are you going to play?
a:After I perform this sentence, I have to fight with a monster
b:Haha, it's funny,I must tell your girlfriend
a:It's all right.She knows it's just a dramma,she won't laugh me
b:Don't be angry,it's just a joke
b:But,I think I want to try to be a actor,too.
a:What?you just laugh,why you want to try it?
b:It's because I want to have more brave to talk to people
a:It's all right .Let's find Mr.Cheung,he is the head of this dramma
b:But what can I act?
a:Hmm......I don't sure.Maybe the monster which I need to fight,other actors are not like the act it
b:O I see!It's ok,I will hit you down
a:No,the content of this dramma is to save the priceness from the monster
b:That mean you will hit me down?
a:Yes!It's what I mean
b:Oh!So bad,but I will still try it.
a:Let's go to the Mr. Cheung,it's five o'clock already
2007-03-31 10:36 pm
a : yes!
b : What ? What do you want to said ?
a : Nothing . Just think aloud .
b : OK . Are you okay ?
a : Thanks . It is only quite recently that I feel ailing .
b : Let's go to see a doctor !
a : Nothing .
b : You looked sick .
2007-03-31 9:52 pm
I want to know where is the ABC hospital,Could you help me?
Of course.You walk along this street and then turn right,you will not miss it.
Thank you.

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