
2007-03-31 8:28 pm
選德語或法語優勢較好? 真的想學懂聽,讀,寫


回答 (2)

2007-04-01 12:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I can give you some suggestion...
I am now in Germany...before I come here I have leared half year French..
so I can tell you something before what are the difficult when you learn these laugage..
French Grammar is easier than German Grammar .. but the pronunciation is very different...
and German...some of the words are smilier as English...but you have to think when you learn German Grammar...you have to remember many thing...because there are no formula.
And one thing ..I can tell you is..when you really want to learn a laugage, stay in German or French speaking country will learn very fast..because you have to talk to the other with the laugage...and really learn fast...
Hope I can help you!
2007-03-31 8:31 pm

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