請問 最遲幾時會收到通知 o既英文係咩呀?

2007-03-31 7:17 pm
我想問人地: 最遲幾時會收到通知



回答 (6)

2007-03-31 7:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實簡單地問 I would like to know when will the result be made. 已經可以, 又夠禮貌. 根據常識, 人地會答 : We will inform you once we have our decision, the latest date will be next Friday. 如果人地答 : We will let you know, or We will keep you informed. 即係冇咩誠意或者佢都唔知, 無謂應承你。
' Do you know when will I have the reply latest ? (最遲) soonest ?(最早)' 也可以. 但不同於 When will I have your latest result ? = When will I have the latest copy of your magazine ? 指最新版本

2007-03-31 11:58:35 補充:
其實簡單地問 I would like to know when the result is made. 才對. Sorry !
2007-03-31 9:52 pm
說得地道一點,你可以用"by when"。這裡的by是解作「在……之前」。
By when will I be notified?
2007-03-31 8:42 pm
When most late can receive the notice???????
i hope i can help you^0^
參考: me
2007-03-31 7:31 pm
When most late can receive the notice
2007-03-31 7:25 pm
Will receive and notify at several o'clock at the late.
2007-03-31 7:23 pm
When will receive the notice at the latest?

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