跑on..裝完之後入game彈左呢句野出黎[Startinfo not found]

2007-03-31 8:41 am
禁trgame開game就彈呢句[[Startinfo not found]]

禁talesrunner開game就彈呢句野出黎[Program start info not found]


回答 (2)

2007-03-31 11:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
me too(the first time)

but now i know how to sove this problem:

1. download the "Telerunner Patch"

2. save it in your top desk

3. click on it

4. click yes for many times

5. you can play now!!!

6. enjoy it!
2007-08-23 8:32 pm

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