
2007-03-31 7:54 am


回答 (2)

2007-03-31 8:12 am
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The Asian husband's mother well foreland, is located west Aomen to gaze at the ocean northern side the mountain square.Because Asian husband's mother well foreland and periphery ancient construction, therefore is arranged in order Aomen to construct, historical and the cultural cultural relic area.In 2005 starts, a part is included along with Aomen history cities of in the world culture inheritance name list.

A fable Ming Dynasty mother-in-law builds the basin in this to store the mountain spring to facilitate the inhabitant to derive drinks, the dead person calls the basin Asia husband's mother well.The Asian husband's mother well Portuguese meaning is a mountain spring, thus it may be known, this former days were one of Aomen basin.Has the well to live on some people, the Aomen early time Portuguese then lives together here, therefore one of for most ancient residential districts.The Aomen former days Portuguese had the ballad to say that,“The thirsty Asian husband's mother well water, has not been able to have forgotten Aomen; Either gets married in Aomen, either is separated by a great distance is heavy.”
2007-03-31 7:29 pm
The inferior old woman's well forebay, lie in the west of Macao to look on the square in the north of the foreign mountain. Because inferior old woman well forebay and antiquated building around, so arranged ? Building of Macao , history and culture historical relic area. Will begin in 2005 , is listed in cultural heritage register of the world with a urban part of history in Macao.

A mother-in-law in the Ming Dynasty of legend builds the pond to store the mountain spring and help residents draw and drink in this place , does the old friend call the pond? Inferior old woman's well. The gentle meaning of Portugal of the inferior old woman's well is the mountain spring, therefore can know , this place was one of the ponds of Macao in the past. There are wells someone live in, the early Portuguese in Macao live in concentrated communities here, so for one of the oldest residential areas. The Portuguese in the past in Macao have folk rhymes to say: ' pass the inferior old woman's well water while being thirsty , forget Macao; Either get married in Macao , or does not come again far. '

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 20:15:47
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