however & on the other hand

2007-03-31 7:39 am
the sentence " It can be seen that quality education matters more to parents than low tuition. _______________, now the government is to cut its spending on education,....

why should the word must be "However but not "On the other hand"??
(In a UE exercise)

What is the difference between them?

THX a lot!!

回答 (2)

2007-03-31 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
On the other hand既意思係::"另一方面"咁...

It can be seen that quality education matters more to parents than low tuition. HOWERVER, now the government is to cut its spending on education,....

但,如果你用On the other hand..:
It can be seen that quality education matters more to parents than low tuition. ON THE OTHER HAND, now the government is to cut its spending on education,....
但..第一句同第二句野係有關係既..如果用"另一方面"(即othe other hand), 就好似完左第一句咁..會有D怪..因為通常" othe other hand "係一句句字/段落開頭,同時結束左之間果句/段落講緊既野..但, ..第一句同第二句係有好明顯既"因果"(唔肯定應唔應用呢個term.)關係..所以用however係好D..

參考: Myself--
2007-03-31 8:18 am
First of all, -however但是- and -on the other hand另一方面-are connectives連詞 here.They are used to link two sentences together.

You should note that the connective -however- having the opposite meaning. It implies that the result of first sentence is opposite to the second sentence. See the meaning in Chinese -家長認為教育質素好比學費廉宜更為重要時,但偏偏政府卻削減教開支...

If you place -on the other hand- here, you can NOT make comparision here, because it has the meaning of giving additional information about the first sentence. i.e. The point of view of the second sentence is consistent with the first sentence. Hope you can understand the actual differences between them.

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