
2007-03-31 6:49 am
Title: China gives two cute pandas to HK.

The two pandas are come from Sichuan.China gives this two pandas to HK because the pandas who live in the ocean park are too old.Also,it is because 1st July,2007 is a date that Hong Kong Special Administrative Region return to China for 10 years.Therefore,China gives the two pandas to HK to celebrate that.

回答 (9)

2007-03-31 8:49 am
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The two pandas are come from Sichuan.
=> The two pandas are from Sichuan.
From 已有「由...」o既意思,come可有可無。另外,熊貓其實應該叫做「大熊貓」(Giant Panda),因為另有一種生物叫做小熊貓。

China gives this two pandas to HK because the pandas who live in the ocean park are too old.
=>China gives these two pandas to HK because the pandas that live in Ocean Park are too old.
有兩隻,所以係these(眾數);who 係代替人o既,動物始終用 that 好d;另 Ocean Park 習慣唔用 the

Also, it is because 1st July,2007 is a date that Hong Kong Special Administrative Region return to China for 10 years.
=>原句 HK return to China,唔會轉past perfect,要轉就係HK has returned to China for 10 years. 但係咁樣同前面日子o既部份駁唔埋,亦不同英文習慣,多數會講 Xth anniversary(幾多週年);回歸日講出o黎又係咪多餘左呢?一來人人知,二來熊貓又唔係七月一日到港。

Also...year 呢句咁樣放呢度,突顯唔到呢件事實係香港獲贈熊貓o既理由,建議同下句次序倒轉,但要改寫:
Also, they come as a gift to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China.

2007-03-31 01:01:25 補充:
1.The two pandas are come from Sichuan 釋疑呢句唔係被動句。如果係被動句,句式(以呢句係simple present為例)係 is/am/are + past participle.come過去式係came;過去分詞係come,所以冇可能係 has came。咁點解唔係被動句?咁要知道呢句講乜先。句意係「兩隻熊貓由四川來」,何來被動?如理解為熊貓係被人運來,咁就come都唔用得,要講:The two pandas will be sent here from Sichuan. 咁先係被送o黎。

2007-03-31 01:03:56 補充:
2.冇改title,因為猜想呢個係新聞標題;另外,已定下o既計劃可以用simple present tense表示。
2007-03-31 4:51 pm
Title: China gives two cute pandas to HK.

The two pandas (are) come from Sichuan. China gives (this) these two pandas to (HK) Hong Kong because the pandas who live in the (ocean park)Ocean Park are (too) getting old. Also, (it is because) 1st July,2007 is (a) the date that Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (return) returns to China for 10 years. (Therefore) China gives the two pandas to HK to celebrate (that) the occasion.

Those in brackets should be deleted. Therefore, it will become:

The two pandas come from Sichuan. China gives these two pandas to Hong Kong because the pandas who live in the Ocean Park are getting old. Also, 1 July 2007 is the date that Hong Kong Special Administrative Region returns to China for 10 years. China gives the two pandas to HK to celebrate the occasion.
2007-03-31 12:47 pm
Title: China [is giving]/[is going to give]gives two cute pandas to HK.

The two pandas are [originally come] from Sichuan.China [is giving] this two pandas to HK because the pandas who live in the ocean park [are becoming aging老化]/[aregrowing old].Also,it is because [at]1st July,2007 ,[which is the(必需用the)] date that Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [was returned] to China for 10 years.Therefore,China [is giving] the two pandas to HK [for the celebration]
參考: me
2007-03-31 8:05 am
Title: China gives two cute pandas to HK.

The two pandas are come from Sichuan.China gives this two pandas to HK because the pandas "who">>"that" live in the ocean park are too old.Also,it is because 1st July,2007 is a date that Hong Kong Special Administrative Region return to China for 10 years.Therefore,China gives the two pandas to HK to celebrate that.

"who" change to "that"

2007-03-31 00:07:38 補充:
The two pandas are come from Sichuan.China gives this two pandas to HK because the pandas (who)(that) live in the ocean park are too .....(who)change to(that)
參考: check from microsoft word
2007-03-31 7:59 am
Title: China (offer) two cute pandas to HK.

The two pandas were born in Sichuan. China are giving out this two pandas to HK. becuase the pandas that live in the ocean park were too old. Also, it is because 1st July, 2007 is a date that Hongkong Special Administrative Region return to China for ten years. Consequently, China are contributing the two pandas to HK, for them to celebrate their special day.
參考: I learn it
2007-03-31 7:40 am
The two pandas come from Sichuan. (are come 是被动词)
China gives these two pandas to HK is due to( 或者用is due to, 和because 诗一样的,is due to但是比较好)
the pandas which ( 不可以用who, who只能用在人类)live in the ocean park are
ageing (=to become older).
Moreover( also 不太适合用在前面 ), 1st July 2007 is a date which Hong Kong Special Administrative Region returns to China for 10 years. Thus, China gives the pandas to HK for celebrating the special date.
2007-03-31 7:36 am

Title: China gives two cute pandas to HK.

The two pandas (are came)1 from Sichuan.China gives (these)2 two pandas to HK because the pandas (which are linving)3 in the ocean park are too old, (and also)4, 1st July,2007 is (the)5 date that Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (returns)6 to China for 10 years.Therefore,China gives the two pandas to HK to celebrate that.

1-are came. 如果用左be之後, 就要變past participles.因為應該係passive(被動) voice.
好似:: She is injuried. (她受傷了)

2-these: 多過一隻(有兩隻)..應用plural.所以係these..唔係this.

3-which are living: 首先..因為動物..所以係which..(你用who都得..當擬人法..)
第二..佢地而家仲住緊..所以用present continuous..

4-and also: 唔好成日用because姐..你鍾意可以唔改..

5-the: 係特別的..只有一個的..所以用the..
好似..:: The Peak..The Ocean park..全港只有一個..所以用the//

6-returns: 好似你China要third person singular咁姐..HK都係一個地方..所以要+s...


2007-03-30 23:38:04 補充:
Title: China (is going to give)7 two cute pandas to HK.7-is going to give: 因為用" is going to "係肯定而又未發生既..所以會好D..

2007-03-30 23:42:41 補充:
Sorry..有錯grammar..::1-應該用will be coming (我唔記得係未發生既..)6-應該用has returned: 因為" for "係其中一個提醒人用present perfect既clue.
參考: myself__*
2007-03-31 7:32 am
Title: China (are going to give) two cute pandas to (Hong Kong).

The two pandas (will be) come from Sichuan. China gives (these) two pandas to (Hong Kong) because those pandas (which is living) in the ocean park (are) too old. (And) also, it is because (the first day in) July 2007 is (the) date that Hong Kong Special Administrative Region returns to China for 10 years. Therefore, China gives the two pandas to (Hong Kong) to celebrate that.
2007-03-31 6:57 am
Title: China (will give) two cute pandas to HK

The two pandas (come) from Sichuan.China (will give) (these) two pandas to HK because the pandas who live in the (Ocean Park) are too old.Also,it is because 1st July,2007 is (the) date that Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (had given back) to China for 10 years.Therefore,China gives the two pandas to HK to celebrate that.

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