有關自動波+/- 速

2007-03-31 6:43 am
我架車有六速+/-波, 朋友同我講, 叫我唔好用, 話咁樣好傷engine同波箱. 仲話: D波走天涯就夠啦! 玩咩轉波, 不如揸棍波啦!

我試過用, 其實效果都ok,都幾好玩. 但究竟我朋友o既說話有無跟據呢?

回答 (3)

2007-03-31 10:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果唔係成日好似賽車咁拖波拖到好高轉數, 根本唔會傷車傷波箱
呢個設計其實係而家啲車被人喺用自動車的同時, 可以間唔中領會吓手波車的樂趣, 亦可以令轉低波嘅手法比前更簡易, 唔使將波棍用力加按掣再向後撥

D波走天涯嘅觀念絶對唔要得, 因為有時架車上落斜轉吓低波對架車, 慳油同效率都有好處,
自動波本身如要佢自己轉低波可能要等耐啲, 或者要好低速佢先會, 或者要大油kick down(即係要架車好力啲就深踏油門, 個波箱先會自動跳低波增架扭力加速), 有啲情況自己撥會慳時間慳油.
參考: 自己
2007-03-31 11:03 am
If you drive very roughly, you'll hurt the engine (and other parts of the car), doesn't matter it's automatic or manual transmission.

Nowadays, the computer is smart enough to protect the engine. For examples, it up-shift for you when you hit the red line, and it prevents you to down-shift it the engine speed is too high.

Sometimes, I think automatic hurts the engine. For example, if you're going uphill in D gear, and the computer doesn't down-shift to produce more torque, the engine needs to work harder to climb the hill.

I think your friend is jealous about the 6-speed +/- you have ;-)
2007-03-31 9:03 am
朋友同你講, 叫你唔好用, 話咁樣好傷engine同波箱.....!!(一架車落左地行,就一定有磨損,怕壞怕整,倒不如轉做乘客坐公共汽車)

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