about some eng ....

2007-03-31 6:10 am
培養學生積極學習and熱心服務 既英文係咩?

回答 (3)

2007-03-31 7:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.It has a very old / long history.
2.The student(s) is/are very polite.
3.Teachers and students get on well .
4.To train the students to study hard and keen on serving others .

Hope These could help you .>
2007-03-31 1:00 pm
歷史悠久=old historial value/long history
The students/pupils are very/extremelly polite.
The students/pupils get on very well with the teachers.
To train/improve the enthusiam of the students/pupils both academically and serving aspects.
2007-03-31 6:17 am
1. 通常都會話" it has a very long history."
2. the students are very polite.
3. ( 麻麻地知道 ) the relationship between teachers and students is very good.
4. To build the hard working and helpful of the students.
參考: ME

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