about how to self-study more vocabuary

2007-03-31 3:48 am
可以self-study ,learn more vocab.?
thx a lot!

回答 (3)

2007-04-02 6:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1) 花些少時間去睇多d英文報紙、英文書、英文雜誌、英文websites等等. 而每一次, 當你遇到一個新的生字時, 你可以先從上文下理去估個生字點解. 之後再查字典. (我諗依家好多人都有用電子辭典, 所以查字都應該會好快). 你最好用一本簿仔記低d生字. 最好就可以得閒就溫習一下那些生字. 等你可以更入腦. (唔好浪費坐車的時間呢!!! )

另外因為你又低讀起, 你寫低個生字時, 最好寫下其他的verb form、例子、同義字(Synonymous). 比個簡單的例子你. 例如: 你查的字係 "verify"

Verify (v) (係個verb). Verify--Verifies--Verified
meaning: to make certain that (a fact, statement, etc.) is correct or true; CONFIRM
證明...為事實, 證實; 核實, 確實.
eg. The prisoner's statement was verified by several witnesses.
Noun: Verification
Adjective: Verifiable
Synonymous: confirm, authenticate, make sure, prove, etc.

Synonymous(同義字), 你可以用Mircosoft Word揾. 你打咗要揾的字, 再highlight去, 再click右鍵, 之後你會見到 "Synonyms (同義字)". 另一個方法是去Tool(工具), 揾 Language (語言), 再用 Thesaurus (同義字). 你都可以上網用Thesaurus.com 揾!

雖然好似要寫低好多野, 但當要自己寫一次個字, 同解釋的時候, 你會對那個字有較深的印象的, 亦會更易入腦的. 所以下少少苦功啦!

2) 除了英文報紙外, 你都可以睇多d英文書. 最初的時候, 可以睇d簡單少少的, 短少少的. 到你對睇英文書有多d信心時, 再睇d長少少的, 深少少的. 睇書時, 下下要查字典真係會有d煩, 你儘量由上文下理去估個字點解, 如果真係估唔到先查字典啦!

另外我之前都答過介紹英文書的問題, 你可以去睇睇, 參考一下!
Harry Potter幾好睇, 如果你有睇過中文版, 現在可以睇下個英文版. 如想我介紹更多其他書比你, 你send mail比我啦!

如果你唔想買書, 你都可以上網睇的. 你去 World Wide School 睇下啦, 佢有好多唔同類型的英文書的!

3) 聽多d英文歌, 都可以識多d生字的. 你可以睇住歌詞, 跟住唱! 但我唔太建議你聽rap或者hip hop, 因為那些歌的英文通常都冇咁好. 而且會好易教壞你的英文. Kelly Clarkson, Missy Higgins, Norah Jones的歌都幾好的!

你比心機啦! 只要打好個英文基礎(foundation), 你就會好好多的了.
參考: 自己 + 之前答過類似的問題
2007-04-04 8:38 pm
Reading helps a lot. My suggestion for you is to read something that interests you. If you like a foreign movie, found the fiction book to read. In that case, you will be more likely to finish the story book. When a word comes up many times that you don't understand and could not guess the meaning, look it up. (You may remember the meaning of this kind of repeatedly appeared vocabulary easier).
Another way I found that is very helpful is, to read over the internet, with the browser's built in function of dictionary. For example, I am using "Mozilla firefox", it has an 'add-on' function of "dictionary", which when your cursor is moved over a word, it will automatically give you the chinese definition.

I will suggest reading News from the internet.
2007-03-31 9:04 am
I found that reading novels, story books can learn a lot new vocabularies. There are story books with different levels sold in Commercial Press called Black Cat something, with CD rom, so that you know how to pronounce some words. You may start with lower level and progress step by step. Hope that help!

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