
2007-03-31 2:55 am
單詞 island
想表達中文 --->在島上
系用on the island定系in the island ?

回答 (7)

2007-03-31 4:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Answer: On the island

e.g. My father was born on the Island.
e.g. Do you live on an Island or on a continent?

因為 '在島上', 所以用 ON.
不過, 有時中/英文會唔同, 唔可以直譯, 例如: 中文 '在車上', 英文會用 IN
e.g. I met my old friend in train yesterday.

地方介系詞 (Prepositions of Place): at,on,和 in

我們使用 at 來指定特定的地址:
Maria works at No. 55 Harbour Road in Central.

我們使用 on 來指定街道等名稱:
Her house is on Harbour Road.

我們使用 in 來指定陸地區域 (鄉鎮、縣市、州省、國家和洲):
She lives in China.
Japan is in Asia.
2007-03-31 11:13 pm
係on the island。因為係在島「上」,唔係在島「裹」。
2007-03-31 3:03 am
想表達在島上要用on the island.e.g: on Hong Kong Island.有無問題?
參考: from my teacher.
2007-03-31 3:01 am
應該用on the island
e.g 點解步行係on foot 而唔係 in foot or by foot? > 無得解
2007-03-31 3:01 am
係用on the island~~
例子︰He lived on a small island off the shore.
2007-03-31 2:59 am
on the island
2007-03-31 2:59 am
ON, e.g. On Hong Kong Island

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