如何開啟 WIM 檔案?

2007-03-31 2:35 am
如何開啟 WIM 檔案?

回答 (1)

2007-04-01 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
You need MS Vista's XIMAGE.EXE,
Then, use a command line window to navigate to the folder in which the WAIK tool ximage.exe is found. (There are separate versions for 32-bit x86 and 64-bit x64 versions of Windows Vista.) The first time you navigate to this folder, you need to install the WIM File System Filter (WIM FS Filter) driver. This tool lets you navigate through the file system of a mounted Vista installation image in Windows Explorer as if it where already installed on the PC. To install the driver, open Windows Explorer, locate the file called wimfltr.inf (which is in the same folder as ximage.exe), right-click it, and select Install.
Now you're ready to mount a Vista installation image so that you can view and customize it in Windows Explorer. You use Ximage's mount (view only) and mountwr (read/write) commands to accomplish this. If your install.wim file is stored in C:\images and you want to mount the image in C:\mount, you'd use the following command:
ximage /mountwr c:\mount c:\images\install.wim 1
Now, you can customize the image, in place, by simply navigating through its file structure in Windows Explorer. If you open a My Computer window and navigate to C:\mount, you'll see the standard Vista Beta 1 installation folder structure spread out before you, with the following folders present in the root:
Documents and Settings
Program Files
Windows Imaging Format is a file-based rather than sector-based image format. This means that the disk image can use Single-Instance Storage (SIS) technology. SIS allows duplicate files to be stored only once. In addition, .WIM files are highly compressed so the image is about one-third of the original. You can use .WIM files without deleting the original partition/directory beforehand. It appears that Microsoft will be using .WIM files for some future deployments, including the Longhorn operating system. At present (early 2005) there appear to be no third-party unarchiving tools available for .WIM files. The Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment creates .WIM files for distribution. .....

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