Contract內的Common Seal

2007-03-31 1:01 am
我想問如果contract內對方要求你要sealed with common seal即是甚麼意思? 究竟甚麼是common seal? 應蓋於哪裡?

回答 (2)

2007-04-01 11:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A common seal is a very important tool. The usage of it is governed in the Articles od Association of a limited company. It is normally ONLY be used with a resolution passed in the Borad of Directors' meeting. In the resolution, a person, normally a director, of that limited company is authorised to sign the contract and that the Common Seal of the company be affixed thereto. It is quite common that the other party requires the company to produce to them a copy of the minutes of the meeting of the directors to confirm it. The seal is normally affixed at the margin of the page of the contract where the signature of the authorised person appeared.
2007-03-31 8:21 pm
每間公司登記開業時都要做一個鋼印, 蓋了鋼印會出現一個水印

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