有冇超平 travel agent 介紹 ?

2007-03-30 11:35 pm
我要去美國, 但機票勁貴, 希望有朋友可以幫幫忙 ! 推介一 D 信譽良好, 又平快靚正o既 travel agent 俾我 !

回答 (2)

2007-04-01 3:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
which part of US you going to? Ticket expensive or not it depends on season.
last year Oct I fly to LA china air-line with tax 800 usd. this Feb I fly to LA koren air-line 700 usd.you can search this( www.ticket.com )to look how much is the ticket then call other agent. or you can call this agent( 91965647 michelle Chu). she help me get ticket all the time I go travel
參考: my self
2007-03-30 11:39 pm
好似用信用咭俾$平好多嫁, 差唔多平左成5,6千蚊嫁!

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