
2007-03-30 9:45 pm
我大半年前喺友緣人識咗個男仔, 同佢e-mail咗4個月之後開紿傾電話, 兩三日傾一次, 跟住就約出嚟見過差唔多十次, 都係行街、睇戲、食飯, 佢問我可唔可以同佢拍拖, 我話識咗唔係好耐, 唔想發展得咁快, 其實我對佢都有d好感, 佢個人正正經經, 有正當職業, 我想同佢繼續發展, 但之後佢突然間無再搵我, 我打電話俾佢, 佢嘅態度好冷淡, 我跟住就send咗個e-mail俾佢, 話我以後唔會再揾佢, 但佢都係冇反應! 仲連友緣人嘅廣告都刪除埋, 其實佢係咪玩弄我嘅感情, 我應該點做??

回答 (6)

2007-03-31 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
本人認為友緣人上面大致有三類人, 1)真係想識男女朋友, 2) 想打發時間搵人陪下, 3) 借結識朋友推銷野.

講真上得友緣人識朋友, 又點止你一個, 你都唔係淨係add他一個喇, 可能他很想拍拖, 但你又遲遲比唔到答案他, 佢咪放棄law, 這樣都証明他唔係咁鍾意你o者, 已我睇他唔回覆你, 他可能已選了另一個友緣人, 而他刪除廣告只是唔想再識人, 你都係結識另一個喇!

我現在男朋友都係在友緣人識架, 當初我都拒絕了他很多次, 但他都冇放棄到, 而我搵到後我都是刪除了廣告, 因為我是第一種, 所以我相信係友緣人都有認真的人, 但下次要小心d選, 唔好氣餒, 係他唔識寶, 祝妳早日搵到友緣人!
參考: 本人
2007-04-17 12:58 am
寶寶妹, 好多謝你嘅鼓勵呀!~
2007-03-30 11:12 pm
哈...其實我同我男朋友第一次玩友緣人就識左對方...仲要我係女仔..主動add佢..之後傾下電話日日傾足2個鍾..msn由早上玩到放工...大家識左無耐就一齊了..仲1個月後見佢家人...我都友緣人找到自已想要的 !而你所講的..佢無再找你..我估佢放棄左你了..因為食左一次檸檬..打沈左佢..佢咪識另一個女仔囉!不過佢咁快放棄你..咁佢都好隨便鍾意人囉
2007-03-30 10:10 pm
玩弄? no la....
he ask u before ma...
but u don't do it ma...right?
i have a/c in 友緣人 too
i know 1 boy friend there too...
maybe we 發展 too fast....i don't know him almost everything, and he is 神秘非常....so....
i know a new friend there recently la.....he is a 正正經經&正當職業 too la....
but i hope know him more for this time, so waiting law...

i think we can know someone there, but we need more more careful law!!
i think u may miss the chance law....if u think he is a good man.....
let's go .... don't think too much ma....
u know him 4個月emial and talking with phone wor....
and 見過差唔多十次....he may also think that u 玩弄感情 la....
so think too much is not a good idea..but 適當考慮是必需的, is internet love ma...right??
never mind la....more and more friend there law....
add oil!!

if u like....you can send a email for me talking about that law...
my email is [email protected]
2007-03-30 9:55 pm
from 你的case, 这位男子,钝遂一心都是揾拍拖。
如果佢 是代着这种想法同你出街, 我觉得佢是不会被你知道佢的真面目。
所以我都替你开心,因为你现在都看得出佢 要问题。

forget about this netfriend.

如果你真是信有緣人可以揾到有緣人话, 时间会话你知, 而你会很自然会遇到佢。
2007-03-30 9:54 pm
as you said "識咗唔係好耐" that forget it law, maybe you are have some misunderstanding, anyway, you just have only 有d好感, I don't thing you cannot find anyother one wow, don't thing himself la,find anyother one la.

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