想買康樂棋 ( 有枱, 有棍 果d ) 邊度買平d ??

2007-03-30 8:19 pm
我打左去裕華國貨問, 要成$560.
其實大陸係咪有得買, 而且會平d??
如果係有, 麻煩可唔可以講下邊度有得買, 同價錢大約係幾多?? ( HK or 大陸都ok )
thanks .

回答 (1)

2007-03-30 11:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can go to
A center
They got many things there
About sports
They sell basketball
And it is like 300 hkd
I did saw it on internet before
Like e-bay
Because e-bay sell manything

I hope these might help you
參考: Me

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