!!~急~!! 翻譯成英文 (just a little paragraph)

2007-03-30 8:10 pm
Please translate it into english~ as academic as possible~

"Critical literacy並不是要讓學生變成好辯者(verbal combatant),更不是要讓學生變成事事批評、憤世嫉俗的人(cynic)。想反地,critical literacy強調思考、反省的能力(refection),希望除了傳統教學強調的four skills之外,還是能夠透過學習英文的過程,讓學生有機會接觸不同領域的知識、思考多樣豐富之議題,例如身份認同(identity)與兩性平等之問題,將將學習語文變成一個與文化、社會息息相關的social practice。
critical literacy最終希望學生能夠變成主動的學習者,能夠改變生活態度、學習等習慣,對本身生長的環境具有更敏銳的觀察能力,懂得挑戰或詰問文本所傳達的訊息,而不只是被動的全盤接收訊息。"

This artical from: http://ejee.ncu.edu.tw/showarticles.asp?CO_no=536

回答 (4)

2007-03-31 6:26 am
" Critical literacy will not be turned into the one easy to debate (verbal combatant ) by students, not even should let students become everything criticizing , cynical person (cynic ). Think against the ground , the ability (refection ) that critical literacy puts emphasis on thinking deeply , introspecting , hope except outside four skills emphasized in traditional teaching, through studying the English course , let students have an opportunity to be exposed to the knowledge of different fields , various and abundant topic of thinking , for example the identity is approved (identity ) and problem with equal two sexes, will study Chinese and change one social practice closely linked with culture , the society.
Critical literacy hopes finally students can become a initiative learner , can change the life attitude , study etc. and is used to , have sharper observation ability to the environment of one's own growth , know how to challenge or interrogate the information that the text transmits, and not only the passive receiving the message totally. "
2007-03-31 2:02 am
"The Critical literacy doesn't let the student become a fond of arguing, doesn't let the person(cynic) whom the student becomes everything animadversion, misanthropic of society more. {"The Critical literacy doesn't let the student become the loquacity, doesn't let the person(cynic) whom the student becomes everything animadversion, misanthropic of society more. / "The Critical literacy doesn't let the student become fond of arguing(the verbal combatant), doesn't let the person(cynic) whom the student becomes everything animadversion, misanthropic of society more.} Think anti-ly, the critical literacy emphasizes the ability(refection) of the thinking, self-reflection, hope in addition to the traditional teaching emphasizes of four skills, still can through learn the process of English, let the student have the knowledge that the chance gets in touch with different realm and consider diverse abundant of subject, for example identity approbation(identity) with both sexes equal of problem, will become the learning language one and culture, social vitally related social practice. {Think anti-ly, the critical literacy emphasizes a thinking, the ability(refection) for examining oneself, hope in addition to the traditional teaching emphasizes of four skills, still can through learn the process of English, let the student have the knowledge that the chance gets in touch with different realm and consider diverse abundant of subject, for example identity approbation(identity) with both sexes equal of problem, will become the learning language one and culture, social vitally related social practice. / Think anti-ly, the critical literacy emphasizes a thinking, the ability(refection) for examining oneself, hope in addition to the traditional teaching emphasizes of four skills, still can through learn the process of English, let the student have the knowledge that the chance gets in touch with different realm and consider diverse abundant of subject, for example identity approbation(identity) and both sexes equal of problem, will become the learning language one and culture, social vitally related social practice.}
The critical literacy the final hope student can become active learner, can change habits, such as living manner and learning...etc., growing to oneself of the environment has a sharper observation ability, knowing challenge or the Jie ask a text origin the message informed, and is much more than only passive of receive a message completely. {The critical literacy the final hope student can become active learner, can change habits, such as living manner and learning...etc., to oneself the environment of[with] growth has a sharper observation ability, knowing challenge or the Jie ask a text origin the message informed, and is much more than only passive of receive a message completely. / The critical literacy is final to hope the student can become active learner, can change habits, such as living manner and learning...etc., to oneself growth of the environment has a sharper observation ability, knowing challenge or the Jie ask a text origin the message informed, and is much more than only passive of receive a message completely. / The critical literacy is final and hopes the student can become active learner, can change habits, such as living manner and learning...etc., to oneself growth of the environment has a sharper observation ability, knowing challenge or the Jie ask a text origin the message informed, and is much more than only passive of receive a message completely.} "

This artical from: http://ejee.ncu.edu.tw/showarticles.asp?CO_no=536
2007-03-30 11:02 pm
Critical literacy does not intend to turn students into verbal combatants, let alone cynics. On the contrary, critical literacy places greater importance on thinking and reflection in addition to the four skills emphazised by conventional education, hoping to expose students to a wide variety of knowledge and to provide them wih the opportunity to deal with comprehensive issues, such as those of identity and sex equality, through the process of learning the English language, thereby turning the acquisition of language skills into a social practice that has association with the cultural and social development.

The ultimate objective of critical literacy is to develope students into active learners so that they may be able to change their life attitudes and learning modes, to sharpen their perspective on the environment they are living in , and to challenge and question the message conveyed by texts rather than accept it without reservation.
2007-03-30 10:24 pm
pls remember to quote the source in your bibliography then.

Critical literacy並不是要讓學生變成好辯者(verbal combatant),更不是要讓學生變成事事批評、憤世嫉俗的人(cynic)。想反地,critical literacy強調思考、反省的能力(refection),希望除了傳統教學強調的four skills之外,還是能夠透過學習英文的過程,讓學生有機會接觸不同領域的知識、思考多樣豐富之議題,例如身份認同(identity)與兩性平等之問題,將將學習語文變成一個與文化、社會息息相關的social practice。

It is not the aim of critical literacy to turn students into verbal combatants, even less so cynics. Rather, critical literacy emphasize thinking and reflection. In addition to the four skills in traditional education, it also gives rise to the opportunity for students to, through English learning, acquire knowledge of different diciplines and think about a variety of issues such as identity and parity between sexes, making language learning a social practice inseparable from culture and society.

critical literacy最終希望學生能夠變成主動的學習者,能夠改變生活態度、學習等習慣,對本身生長的環境具有更敏銳的觀察能力,懂得挑戰或詰問文本所傳達的訊息,而不只是被動的全盤接收訊息。

Ultimately, critical literacy will make students active learners and change their learning habits and attitudes towards life. They will become keener observers of the environment in which they are raised, and learn to challenge and question the messages in a text instead of passively adopt the whole messages.

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