How long do we need to boil water?

2007-03-30 6:39 pm
How long do we need to boil water?

回答 (4)

2007-03-30 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
about 4-5mins
參考: 自己
2007-04-04 7:37 am
2007-03-31 9:02 am
depend on the voltage of the boiler....the quanlity(how much water there)...
Ig u are using a normal electric kettle(電水壺) ,usually between 3 to 6 mins)
2007-03-30 6:50 pm
It depends on how much liters water u are going to boil.
Normally when u see the bubles in the water bubling and also steams coming out, the water has been boiled.

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