如果忍耐會換來一世幸福, 你會否還考慮旁邊ge人呢?

2007-03-30 5:26 pm
經過朋友ge支持, 我決定依舊等去仍接我ge幸福!

如果忍耐會換來一世幸福, 你會否還考慮旁邊ge人呢?

回答 (5)

2007-03-31 1:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
愛就會互相包容,忍耐同諒解,我咁講可能你會覺得好難做到,但當你愛一個人嘅時候,你好自然會做得到,無論佢點你都會默默接受,我都有過同樣問題,我等咗4年,一直都好其待我認為嘅幸福,等到心灰,終於等到啦!可能太遲 ,等到嘅都已經唔係心中嘅一回事啦!而家一切都係我嘅回憶!如果你愛佢嘅話可以依舊去等,但我唔清楚你哋有咩問題,如果你覺得有希望嘅話應該要等,最起碼嘗試過吖,其實你心裡面應該有答案,心想點做就去做!希望你得到幸福!
2007-03-30 6:31 pm
2007-03-30 6:24 pm
2007-03-30 5:43 pm
It is quite a paradoxical question. If you have to tolerate for the rest of your life, then what is your definition of 幸福? Do you only need to put up with someone sometime in exchange for it?

Obviously it doesn't mean happiness because one cannot be happy if you have to constantly put up with someone. If it means money then to me it is not worthwhile to do so. If you have to put up with someone's habit, behaviour and etc then it depends on what it is and how much you love him/her.

For the question, it is very vague. My answer is that if one needs to tolerate someone then maybe it is not worthwhile. If it is love then love shall never have to put with up someone.
2007-03-30 5:40 pm
I think 一世幸福 = both understand each other strength and weakness,
understand both value systems ... etc ...
If you are in doubt on a relationship, there MUST BE A REASON !!!
It is not fully sacrifice will work or patience will work ?
"Dynasties can change, but a person's character hard to change" - chinese saying ...
so you must like that person's personality ... and can deal with him completely before you can get 一世幸福 !
一世幸福 IS NOT marriage to the guy YOU LIKE ....
it must be mutual ....
that is why in the west, we see so many happy couples never marry and live together happily for so many years ... and get married when they are 60 or even 70 ... because they know what is 一世幸福 ...
一世幸福 should not have pressure, no doubt ... people stay together because they like to be with each other .... for sex ... for money ... for look ... for companion ... for doing sport together ... who cares ... but they are together for a reason ...
once you understand this, then you know what is 一世幸福 ...
marriage and all kinds of stupid consequences ... are just not natural ...
It is just a SHOW for everyone around us ... or for the bride to be shining on that day ....
that was it ... 一世幸福 must maintain by both persons ... live the life together rich or poor ... full understanding and fully balanced love ...
旁邊ge人, I can always tell you, if HE love you more , you are most lucky ...
never love a person MORE than he love you ... it will be painful ... or not smooth at the end...
good luck ...
參考: years of experience helping couples in the west

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