係未真正遇到另一半時, 我由今日起要學點和另一半相處??

2007-03-30 5:22 pm
係未真正遇到另一半時, 我由今日起要學點和另一半相處??

有另一半ge人請指教小妹呀, 都2x啦!

回答 (3)

2007-03-30 5:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
點樣裝備自己, 我自己建議如下:
1. 吸取以前拍拖的經驗(開心與不開心的), 反省自已的缺點, 加以改善
2. 在相處的過程中, 點樣先可以令另外一伴開心(行動)
3. 在溝通方面您會係一個點樣的人, 是主動還是被動?
4. 當您之後遇到真命天子時, 您會否全心全意的對他呢?您會否是花心的人?
5. 其實您的年紀都差不多達適婚年紀, (需然我不知道您下一個是否是您的結婚對象, 如是的話, 是否以較成熟的態度去面對您們之間的問題呢?
6. 當您們之間遇到問題時, 您自已會否讓某些性格(不好的)影響大家的感情?能否盡量控制自已的情緒?
7. 您能否做到"一齊分擔"包括開心與否?
其實以上資料係等您分拆自已的長處及改善不好的地方, 等您日後遇到終身伴侶時, 都可以點樣同佢相處同埋令自己開心d, 最緊要知道個問題係邊, 從而加以改善

希望可幫到您啦, 並祱您找到您的終身伴侶, 幸福快樂!!!!!
參考: 自已
2007-03-31 11:34 am
其實係架... 因為兩個唔同既人晌埋一齊, 當中一定會有唔相同既地方... 大家一定要互相體諒, 互相遷就, 一齊建立返黎既感情先會有成果...
當你做決定既時候, 要諗下身邊果個人既感受, 如果唔係, 呢段感情好難會長久... 好多時我地成日都忽略身體果個, 自己鐘意做就去做, 導致嗌交, 分手都係因為咁... 
2007-03-30 5:55 pm
係未真正遇到另一半時 ? who is the exactly the 另一半 ? NO ONE KNOWS !!!
all I can tell you is that ... be prepared for opportunities ... to learn what is your own strength and weakness .... both physical and mental/emotional ...
give you a simple example ...
if you get good looking breast, show more of it ...
if you get a very fat bud, show less of it ...
if you know cooking is a skill that your future bf will appreciate ... go to learn it ...
all are your PERSONAL ASSETS !!!
if you like to read books/novels ... read more and learn from it ... not just read ... but analyze it ... so you can understand what is TRUE love :)
if you want to be understanding, learn how to be patient, learn how to listen ...
learn what a man like or not like ... make decision if needed ...
always keep yourself physically fit, tidy and clean, and smell good, with a nice warm smile ...
basic makeup ... not over doing it like a PANDA :P
graceful, read more fashion magazine and pick a style that fit you ... not following everybody ...
if you good legs, show more legs ... that kind of logics ...
How to deal with 另一半相處 ?
every 另一半 is different .... some like you talk, some like you less-talkative ...
some like you wild, some like you calm and quiet ... some like you smart, some really like you to be stupid ... some like you strong, some like you weak ...
so all is relative ...
THE FINAL ANSWER locate on the 另一半, and how to handle him with the best skills ... you need to prepare yourself to handle ALL THE POSSIBILITIES ...
BUT for man, the more beautiful, the more cleverness you have ... you have more assets ... I am not saying all men are shallow ... but remember
MEN USE EYES to LOVE (sweet look)
WOMEN USE EARS to LOVE (sweet talk)
hope all help la :)

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