How to install my new handdisk?

2007-03-30 4:41 pm
I buy a new SATA 250G harddisk. when install to my computer, the new harddisk cant identifies. how to do it?
my computer original have 160G SATA for system.

回答 (2)

2007-03-30 4:54 pm
no no no..this time 博士 is wrong.....i think you need to set your new HD jumper.....of you want to keep your orginal one as the main and the new one as extra stroage need to set your first hard disk jumper as MASTER and the new one as SLAVE....

check this page i just found that on the tell you how to set up jumper....

2007-03-30 08:56:44 補充:
once your computer can identify the new hard disk...than you can follow 博士's word.....however..i don't think you need to do any installation to active your new HD.... just do a format than its ready to use...

2007-03-30 09:00:04 補充:
P.s: the page i send to you just an example....the correct MASTER and SLAVE setting you need to check the back of your HD....normally its clearly show need the PINs......+ switch off your comp. before plug/unplug cable
2007-03-30 4:48 pm
You need to put the CD come with the DRIVE ... and it will LOWER FORMAT your drive and setup the drive for you ...
very easy ... plug and play, but you must have that CD ... otherwise it will not set the bios and all parameters for you correctly ...
I am a SEAGATE and Western Digital fans ... Both manufacturer provide very good installation CD for us ...
good luck

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