Magister 和 master 的分別

2007-03-30 12:15 pm
在海外的大學課程簡介裏看到Magister, 這和 master 有什麼分別? 都是碩士學位嗎?

回答 (2)

2007-03-30 2:01 pm
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Magister (also magistar, from lat.: magister = Teacher) is an academic degree used in various systems of higher education.

Austria and Germany
In Austria and Germany, the Magister is about equal to a Master's degree. It usually requires four to six years of study including coursework and a final thesis, similar to a Diplom degree. Before the implementation of the Bologna process – which introduced the Bachelor's degree – the Magister was a first degree.[1]

In Denmark the Magister is situated between the Masters and Ph.D. degrees. it gives the holder the right to use the title Mag.Art. (abbreviation of the Latin magister artium - "teacher of the arts") if the degree is earned in humanities, Mag.Scient for Natural Science and Mag.Scient.Soc. for Sociology. The degree is rarely given today, and only used for humanities. The last semester for beginning the program for the degree is Autumn 2007.
The degree was introduced in 1848 as a supplement to the existing Master's degree programs, mainly extending the thesis portion of the Master's degree. The program was designed to be preparation for finding employment as a researcher. Sometimes the degree was obtained after the Master's degree had been obtained. Today most students interested in becoming researchers obtain a Ph.D.

Serbia, Croatia, and other former territories of Yugoslavia
In Serbia, Croatia, and other countries once part of Yugoslavia, the magistar is a research-oriented degree awarded for 1–2 years of study following the diplom degree.

參考: Wikipedia
2007-03-31 7:24 pm
Magister: 文學碩士書面語縮寫式
Master: has so many definitions .

–noun 1. a person with the ability or power to use, control, or dispose of something: a master of six languages; to be master of one's fate.
2. an owner of a slave, animal, etc.
3. an employer of workers or servants.
4. the male head of a household.
5. a person eminently skilled in something, as an occupation, art, or science: the great masters of the Impressionist period.
6. a person whose teachings others accept or follow: a Zen master.
7. Chiefly British. a male teacher or schoolmaster.
8. a worker qualified to teach apprentices and to carry on a trade independently.
9. a title given to a bridge or chess player who has won or placed in a certain number of officially recognized tournaments.
10. a person holding this title.
11. a person who commands a merchant ship; captain.
12. a victor or conqueror.
13. a presiding officer.
14. an officer of the court to whom some or all of the issues in a case may be referred for the purpose of taking testimony and making a report to the court.
15. the Master, Jesus Christ.
16. a person who has been awarded a master's degree.
17. a boy or young man (used chiefly as a term of address).
18. Also called matrix. an original document, drawing, manuscript, etc., from which copies are made.
19. a device for controlling another device operating in a similar way. Compare slave (def. 5).
20. Recording. a. matrix (def. 13).
b. a tape or disk from which duplicates may be made.

21. Also called copy negative. Photography. a film, usually a negative, used primarily for making large quantities of prints.
22. master of foxhounds.
23. Archaic. a work of art produced by a master.
–adjective 24. being master; exercising mastery; dominant.
25. chief or principal: a master list.
26. directing or controlling: a master switch.
27. of or pertaining to a master from which copies are made: master film; master matrix; master record; master tape.
28. dominating or predominant: a master play.
29. being a master of some occupation, art, etc.; eminently skilled: a master diplomat; a master pianist.
30. being a master carrying on one's trade independently, rather than a worker employed by another: a master plumber.
31. characteristic of a master; showing mastery.
–verb (used with object) 32. to make oneself master of; become an adept in: to master a language.
33. to conquer or overcome: to master one's pride.
34. to rule or direct as master: to master a crew.
35. Recording. to produce a master tape, disk, or record of: The producer recorded, mixed, and mastered the new album.

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