
2007-03-30 11:19 am

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2007-03-30 11:27 am
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在科學家的故事中,我看見所有的科學大師都像這三位博士一樣,尋求心中的星星 -真 理。他們看見一朵花,一只昆蟲,及一個大自然的現象。心中的星星,開始催促著他們去尋找真理。就像這三位博士一樣,要爬過險峻的高山,要經過風沙大漠、被人笑罵,甚而要受到人的追殺。最後終於看見,所帶出來的真理,是那麼的完全,美麗。最後,把他們所有的都獻給了真理。
小朋友,不論你現在追尋的是信仰,或是學 問。都要有這三位博士癡而不捨的精神;一直跟隨著聖靈的引導,直找到 - 真理。

金句:箴2:4-6 尋找他,如尋找銀子,搜求他,如搜求隱藏的珍寶,你就明白敬畏耶和華,得以認識神。因為,耶和華賜人智慧;知識和聰明都由他口而出。

2009-12-15 11:59 pm



2007-03-30 1:32 pm

The town of Galilee where the Blessed Virgin dwelt when the Archangel announced to her the Incarnation of the Word, and where Christ lived until the age of thirty years, unknown, and obedient to Mary and Joseph. In the manuscripts of the New Testament, the name occurs in a great orthographical variety, such as Nazaret, Nazareth, Nazara, Nazarat, and the like. In the time of Eusebius and St. Jerome (Onomasticon), its name was Nazara (in modern Arabic, en Nasirah), which therefore, seems to be the correct name; in the New Testament we find its derivatives written Nazarenos, or Nazoraios, but never Nazaretaios. The etymology of Nazara is neser, which means "a shoot". The Vulgate renders this word by flos, "flower", in the Prophecy of Isaias (xi, 1), which is applied to the Saviour. St. Jerome (Epist., xlvi, "Ad Marcellam") gives the same interpretation to the name of the town.

Nazareth is situated in the most southerly hills of the Lebanon range, just before it drops abruptly down to the plain of Esdraelon. The town lies in a hollow plateau about 1200 feet above the level of the Mediterranean, between hills which rise to an altitude of 1610 feet. The ancient Nazareth occupied the triangular hillock that extends from the mountain on the north, having its point turned to the south. Its northwestern boundary is marked by numerous Jewish tombs which have been discovered on the slope of Jebel es Likh. The southeastern limit is the small valley that descends from the beautiful spring called St. Mary's Well, which was, no doubt, the chief attraction for the first settlers. In the last fifty years the population has increased rapidly, and amounts at the present day to more than 7000 souls. The modern houses, white and clean, run up all along the hillsides, especially on the north. Spread out in the shape of an amphitheatre, set in a green framework of vegetation, Nazareth offers to the eye a very attractive picture.
參考: New Advent Encyclopedia

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